A4 Sounds

Help us build the biggest record collection in the WORLD!!

A4 Sounds are now a record label of sorts! A4 Warped Records.

dr duct tape n the emergencies

A4 members Lisa Crowne and Andy Edgar have been working on a project over the last few months and now they want you to take part. In March they built a GIANT Tape Deck made from lots of recycled materials; cardbaord, wood, tape player, old cassettes, bicycle and plumbing parts. Lisa with a few A4ers will be showcasing the Tape Deck at Dublin Mini Maker Faire this Sat 27th July.

Now we want you to get involved and make this a fully participatory project. Over the next year we are aiming to build the biggest record collection to accompany our giant record player. We want you to send us Band Names and album titles around the idea of DIY, building and making art, all nighters before an art show, the tears, the materials used e.g Plaster of Paris and the Bandages, Casting Doubt or The Cardboard Boxes, Against the Rain. You get the idea. We have full faith you can do better than this!

We also invite people to design record sleeves  and we will turn them into 36 inch records and covers. You can download pdfs of the logos by clicking on the images below;

We’ll be posting more about this soon. But for now you can add band names and album titles to the comments below or to our event page on facebook. 

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